Freon Freon -Freon 词:罗锦辉/王梓鑫 曲:王梓鑫/CHUCKIE A Chuckie lee Roy Freon is here baby ready to show I know you guys gonna like it Haha definitely Chuckie give'em a tip and by the way tell the Where we come from Westside What Westside Louder Westside 我讨厌所有一切都是**一陈不变 我发现这个圈子乌烟瘴气太多大便 我认为都是脑瘫该去医院挂个号 其实在我眼里都**的都算个鸟 我就是无聊回来玩玩儿你也别当真 我来自哪个省哪个城哪个村 不以我为耻 不以我为傲 就是一滩污水哥们儿心态最重要 要怎么发达壮大我没想过 反正歌迷只会跟风也没有长大脑想咆哮 我***快疯掉 盗版音乐占据市场还很荣耀 所以chuckie back 带着他的freon crew 试着改变挖了你的有色眼 但是别急给我戴上hippo 帽 也许明天我摇滚灵魂就出窍 Freon is invisible killer broke The ozone layer and the earth got a fever We come for the throne of the singers Everybody quiet now tell me who is the leader We dont give a what your name is What you gonna say let us hear thats a bull Dont try to doubt us mother lets see Who will win i just give ya a middle finger Clouded sky Wild wind A storm is coming All the haters look at here and guess who is coming soon Let me tell you what happened keep silence damn you little loon I dropped from the sky and i made a Terminator pose Im a host Im a ghost Im a post officer Send you a curse And you dont deserve to be the most popular rapper and guess why Cuz i am here and i Rose in the bull Freon pervades the air look at the sky Its getting dark and the world get eroded Wow How come this world get a chill Oh sh*t how the f**k could i know Dont disturb me now cuz im on fire im about to explode I m not ice cube but you can call me ice cold Pause Damn it Dismember the corpse makes me wanna puke Enough for the self-joke Lets start the hook Chuckie Freon is invisible killer broke The ozone layer and the earth got a fever We come for the throne of the singers Everybody quiet now tell me who is the leader We dont give a what your name is What you gonna say let us hear thats a bull Dont try to doubt us mother lets see Who will win i just give ya a middle finger