Let Me Go( 辛迪Cyndi C) 作词 : 辛迪 Cyndi Chen 作曲 : Logic Watch my back, so I make sure You're right behind me as before Yesterday, the night before tomorrow Dry my eyes so you won't know Dry my eyes so I won't show I know you're right behind me... Won't you let me go let me go tonight Won't you let me go let me go tonight Won't you let me go let me go tonight Won't you let me go let me go tonight Won't you let me go let me go tonight Won't you let me go let me go tonight hey baby don.t let me go 我付出我的一切你是否愿意跟我走 我简直无法想象没有你的生活 绚烂的城市下我只是一个躯壳 无数的人拖着我的后腿都想让我远离 如今我只想亲耳听你说一声我愿意 我对你百般依赖 哪怕一次次失败 没有你的未来 我还是不知悔改 你伴我度过无数个长夜 感觉那么强烈 血液里有你我愿抛弃整个世界 你让我义无反顾 爱的铭心刻骨 就算是万劫不复 或是粉身碎骨我也不会让步 对你不为功名利禄 旁人也毫不在乎 举手投足也看出我对你爱到深处 就算被封杀 别忘记挣扎 风雨过后的土地也会长出新的萌芽 Won't you let me go let me go tonight Won't you let me go let me go tonight Won't you let me go let me go tonight Won't you let me go let me go tonight Won't you let me go let me go tonight Won't you let me go let me go tonigh Watch my back, so I make sure You're right behind me as before Yesterday, the night before tomorrow Dry my eyes so you won't know Dry my eyes so I won't show I know you're right behind me..