Moving Hectic Just when you think you've given all you could they want some more, Constantly combating conversations with connosouires, Conac on deck I'm on a night shift like the commodores, 64 system outdated so give this don applause, Them Man are dinosaurs they ain't dictating my future, I love the game but everybody be rapping like Future, Medussa mind state I turn you to stone when a shoot a, Verse that'll make you disperse the student turned into the tutor, Long time ago but they don't wanna respect it Don't wanna acknowledge the power shift Ego they protect it, But I will flow like electric, I'm gonna set this off no apology, I move metric, them man still moving imperial my tekkers are moving hectic... My-my-my tekkers are moving hectic M-m-moving hectic My tekkers are moving hectic M-m-moving hectic Now everybody wanna talk about the top 4, I'm not no number but I know I be the top draw, and certain breddas just be lying to themselves, so I'm airplane mode out cotching on the top floor, No competition, competition is none, My composition no comparison, reverse ah red rum, The understated victor, stand alone I stand on my ones My tekkers be the hardest & my best is still yet to come... It's mad! Over rated artists living off the hype, They got no longevity in the game they got no stripes, No longer social in person they live in social media, So social skills are not working, because they live for likes, It's all a make believe world but they love living in a bubble stay scrolling&reading all the ******** **** you type, Just for attention, a couple shares or a mention, It's meaningless but it's like nobody wanna deal with real life, Me I spit that real life say what's on my mind, I will not pander to the climate of the deaf dumb & blind, Never dumbing down my bars only realness in the lines, You will only hear the honestly & passion in my rhymes, I'm staying connected, cause I perfected My Artform the show I directed, Calm & collected, rated respected, stayed on course & never deflected, I flow like electric, I'm gonna set this off no apology I move metric, Them man are still moving imperial my tekkers are moving hectic.....