過 作词 : Jacey Po, Elvis 作曲 : Wai 拖落日尋跡 懸崖邊斷掉踪跡 前行後退失去方式 話語擠逼 遍佈痕跡 現實無人認領 如截斷了 呼吸聲 即使四目如腐化渲染 找不到路途 如浮雲 未知曉 找一個虛構角度能疾馳 撕開了夢迴在角落夢見 I can't hear Your voice that I can't yell for help I've given up myself I know I can't fix myself 即使四目如同腐化渲染 找不到路途 如昨日 未揭曉 找一個虛構角度能實踐 不必怕 剎那在角落夢見 角落夢見 Just close your eyes Can you see I'm a quiver So who can save me from the darkness I'm yelling for a thousand times Just froze your mind You can keep it till I’m breathless It's nothing but we won’t turn back We won't turn back We won't turn back We won't turn back I count the steps you take Measure the distance we’ve made If the light crosses my eyes For blind me into deeper night Blind me for you Blind me for you Blind me for you Blind me for you 一頃刻 足跡已銷毀了 光陰似摧毀掉 烽煙已吹響 呼聲反覆對調 沒法再啞忍掉 沒法再啞忍掉 落日彷似暴雨輾過 荒土於赤地與歲月拔河 如遺下了 前因後果 如蛾在撲火 惦記翻滾砂礫 輾碎視覺 四肢抹走剩下輪廓 全是輪廓