Shiloh Dynasty-so long(ED.Die / Shiloh Dynasty remix) 作词 : Shiloh Dynasty 作曲 : Shiloh Dynasty/ED.Die Father forgive me for you know that I am always sinning, 神父啊,请您宽恕我,您知道我恶贯满盈, I take no interest partying with liquor, ****ing up my system, 我并无意整日借酒消愁,虚度光阴, Excuse my language that’s a hang up on how shitty I been feeling, 请原谅我所言,我只是觉得我深处于阴影之中, I’m sorry I feel no attraction I know that it’s been a minute, 我为我的心灰意冷感到抱歉,我明白这不是无理取闹, Cause I've been solo for so long, 一直以来我都是孑然一身, Cause I've been solo for so long, 一直以来我都是无所依付的可怜虫。