Crimson Skyline 作词 : 黄安琪 作曲 : Haemolacria Polish our sword, offer a goat 擦拭刀剑,献祭山羊 We are nine men, being ready to kill 吾辈九士,欲踏征途 Pursuing the honor, the Valhalla road 只为追逐瓦尔哈拉的荣耀 To be the conqueror, upon the sea 成为霸者,碧海之上 Sail to the north, as prophet is told 向北扬帆,如先知所述 The shadow in the sky taunted us all 这乌云密布的天际满是嘲笑 I took my father’s sword 佩吾父之剑 Left my name on the shore 此别已是无名人 The sun set on the dime skyline 黄昏消失在昏暗的天际线之上 It‘s the fate of the eternal Norns 这永恒诺伦女神们的命运 In waves its children are peacefully tiding 她的孩子们正静谧的漂流 souls of warriors will guide 勇士的灵魂将指引我们 The thunder is roaring, the wind’s so cold. 雷鸣绝耳,寒风凛冽 We are, sailing, far away. 我辈,起航,寄远方 Scarlet sea, forbidden creed 绯色海洋,禁言信条 The sword in hand, prepared for bleed 仗剑天涯,斩头沥血 二:归家 Its eyes are haunting my dream 这一双双凝瞳已成梦魇 Every night my wounds wakes me 伤口在每个夜晚使我无眠 Keeping the darkness unseen 未知的黑暗 We are our own enemy 我与自身为敌 I stabbed in his back, and cut his throat 刺其背,斩其喉 The ocean swallowed her child, Niflheim waits us all 大海吞噬了她的孩子,海姆冥界正静候我们 The boat sunk in blood, the sea took our soul 轻舟溺于血海,沧海夺走了我们的灵魂 None warriors alive, No Saga be told 战士已渐凋亡,再无史诗传唱 Clouds are obscuring the luring moonlight 当乌云蒙蔽这诱人的月光 Bonfire in the foggy skyline 篝火爬向这乌云天际 Storm singing as we die 暴风雨为我们唱响丧歌 Tearing up my mind 撕心裂肺 Scarlet sea, forbidden creed 绯色海洋,禁言信条 The sword in hand, will once bleed 仗剑天涯,再浴鲜血 The pain is real, six lives are killed 痛楚真切,掠吾辈性命 Unnamed beast with thousands teeth 无名野兽千齿狰狞 作词:Ann,Holborn 翻译:Jerry Tian