北京 北京 Beijing 我的家不在北京 I'm not from Beijing 我对她情有独钟 But I'm fascinated by her 因为她是我的首都 Because she is my capital. 二十岁我去了北京 At 20 I went to Beijing, 带着一个美丽的梦 Carrying along a great dream. 现实却是残酷无情 But the reality was cruel. 北京北京 Beijing Beijing 你让我亢奋 You excite me. 北京北京 Beijing Beijing 你让我伤心 You hurt me. 我在北京陷入困境 Beijing pinned me in a tight spot. 我期待着奇迹发生 I was hoping for a miracle 结果却是一场空 But it was all in vain. 三年后我离开北京 After three years I had to leave 否则我真的会疯 Or else I would have gone mad. 走的那天无人送行 The day I left, no one saw me off. 北京北京 Beijing Beijing 你让我亢奋 You excite me. 北京北京 Beijing Beijing 你让我伤心 You hurt me. 再一次我来到北京 Once again I've come to Beijing, 我发现我已不再年轻 I realize I'm no longer young. ************************** 我想起那闪亮的青春 I remember those shining youth. 再一次我来到北京 Once again I've come to Beijing, 我发现我已不再冲动 I realize I'm no longer headstrong. 我心就像是钟鼓楼 My heart feels like the Drum and Bell Towers, 在风雨中屹立了太久 Standing too long in the wind and rain. 北京北京 Beijing Beijing 你让我倔强 You made me firm. 北京北京 Beijing Beijing 你让我坚强 You made me strong. 北京北京 Beijing Beijing 你让我倔强 You made me firm. 北京北京 Beijing Beijing 你让我坚强 You made me strong. 你想知道这首歌曲后面的故事吗? 请看同名小说《流浪歌手的回忆》 当当、京东、亚马逊及各大书店有售 更多歌曲请关注刘健微信:liujianxiaodi