冒雨 作词 : 赵之昂 作曲 : 赵之昂 编曲:STL 混音/母带:STL 采样:Lauv-Paris in the Rain 封面设计:STL/赵之昂 All I know is We could go anywhere, we could do Anything, girl, whatever the mood we're in Yeah all I know is Getting lost late at night, under stars Finding love standing right where we are, your lips 你离我那么远却又离我也很近 正巧刚放下笔 封好给你写的信 不觉泪目 苦水倒也倒不尽 懒得赘述 因为还得向前进 哪怕多年后再寒暄难免口误叫你外号 想当初相识没多久便给车换了牌照 我永远长不大还喜欢恶作剧跟坏笑 我们时常欢愉直至谷底你却吵着还要 隔阂增多 我也想过破坏高墙 与其挣脱 不如守着错爱消亡 爱神落败缴枪 像是活宰羔羊 你我终归是不必如约过海飘扬 真的走了 所以别问“走了吗?” 把“你”忘了但我心里一直有个“她” 凯撒没了爸但必须有个妈 她好傻 毕竟她和凯撒都在这才有了家 All I know is We could go anywhere, we could do Anything, girl, whatever the mood we're in Yeah all I know is Getting lost late at night, under stars Finding love standing right where we are, your lips