Selena Gomez / Marshmello - Wolves 作词 : Selena Gomez/Marshmello 作曲 : 屁屁鸡Zinlioren In your eyes, there's a heavy blue 你的眼底,盡是抑鬱的藍 One to love, and one to lose 渴望著愛,又同時嚮往離散 Sweet divide, a heavy truth 現實裡的鴻溝,甜蜜卻沉重 Water or wine, don't make me choose 別逼我選擇,要風華絕代還是平凡 I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night 我還想重溫 那年盛夏的纏綿夜晚 Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky 在悸動裡微醺著,獨自一人望著漫天星海 I've been running through the jungle. I've been running with the wolves 我曾翻越窮山惡水,與狼群馳騁在荒野間 To get to you, to get to you 只為了靠近你,更靠近你一些 I've been down the darkest alleys. Saw the dark side of the moon 我曾在陰暗的巷弄裡徘徊,目睹邪惡的念頭蠢蠢欲動 To get to you, to get to you 只為更了解你,更貼近你一些 I've looked for love in every stranger. Took too much to ease the anger 我曾周旋在陌生人間尋找歸所,真心卻換來惱火 All for you, yeah, all for you 踏遍人生,只為了遇見你 I've been running through the jungle. I've been crying with the wolves 我曾穿梭過陰鬱叢林,與狼群在月夜下長嚎 To get to you, to get to you, to get to you 只為在蒼茫人海間,與你碰頭 To get to you To get to you Your fingertips trace my skin 你的指尖 滑過肌膚 To places I have never been 領著我到達 前所未有的境界 Blindly, I am following 盲目地 任由你牽引 Break down these walls and come on in 心牆在一念間崩塌,請你進駐吧 I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night 我還想重溫 那年盛夏的纏綿夜晚 Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky 醉倒在洶湧情感,任由群星將我覆蓋 I've been running through the jungle. I've been running with the wolves 我曾翻越窮山惡水,與狼群馳騁在荒野間 To get to you, to get to you 只為了靠近你,更靠近你一些 I've been down the darkest alleys. Saw the dark side of the moon 我曾在陰暗的巷弄裡徘徊,目睹邪惡的念頭蠢蠢欲動 To get to you, to get to you 只為更了解你,貼近你一些 I've looked for love in every stranger. Took too much to ease the anger 我曾周旋在陌生人間尋找歸所,真心卻換來惱火 All for you, yeah, all for you 踏遍人生,只為了遇見你 I've been running through the jungle. I've been crying with the wolves 我曾穿梭過陰鬱叢林,與狼群在月夜下長嚎 To get to you, to get to you, to get to you 只為在蒼茫人海間,與你碰頭 To get to you To get to you I've been running through the jungle. I've been running with the wolves 我曾翻越窮山惡水,與狼群馳騁在荒野間 To get to you, to get to you 只為了靠近你,更靠近你一些 I've been down the darkest alleys. Saw the dark side of the moon 我曾在陰暗的巷弄裡徘徊,目睹邪惡的念頭蠢蠢欲動 To get to you, to get to you 只為更了解你,貼近你一些 I've looked for love in every stranger. Took too much to ease the anger 我曾周旋在陌生人間尋找歸所,真心卻換來惱火 All for you, yeah, all for you 踏遍人生,只為了遇見你 I've been running through the jungle. I've been crying with the wolves 我曾穿梭過陰鬱叢林,與狼群在月夜下長嚎 To get to you, to get to you, to get to you 只為在蒼茫人海間,與你碰頭