Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft Carpenters: Ohio Radio Radio Anchor: Alright you are listening to Ohio Radio, and it's 53°,6:30. Right now all our requests I know, I got Macklemore on the phone. Hey babe, what would you like to hear? Macklemore: Wish *** Or Ferrying Your Eye(?) Radio Anchor: Hey, babe I'm sorry. I can't hear you too. Or can you speak a little closer to the phone.Ok babe, what would you like to hear again? Macklemore: We are observing your earth Radio Anchor: Hey Mack, sorry babe. But that's not on our playlist, by the way, you sound great on the phone. Anyway ,if you give your question, we will be glad to play it for you babe. So, let's hear it! Macklemore: We are answering your oath (?) Radio Anchor: Ah listen Mack, I'm sorry babe, we can't..... Macklemore: And we like to make Radio Anchor: I'm sorry Mack with the...... Macklemore: a contact (Ah) with you Macklemore: Baby In your mind you have capacities you know To telepath messages through the vast unknown Please close your eyes and concentrate With every thought you think Upon the recitation we're about to sing Calling occupants of interplanetary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft You've been observing our earth And we'd like to make a contact with you We are your friends Calling occupants of interplanetary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary ultra emissaries We've been observing your earth And one night we'll make a contact with you We are your friends Calling occupants of interplanetary quite extraordinary craft And please come in peace we beseech you(Only a landing will teach them) Our earth may never survive (So do come, we beg you) Please interstellar policemen Won't you give us a sign give us a sign that we've reached you With your mind you have ability to form And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm You close your eyes, you concentrate, together that's the way To send a message we declare World Contact Day Calling occupants of interplanetary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft Calling occupants Calling occupants Calling occupants of interplanetary, anti-adversary craft We are your friends