Homies 兄弟 作词 : 游恩杰 作曲 : 游恩杰 Ride Get High Never Die Gotta Fight For My Homies Ride Get High Never Die Gotta Fight For My Homies 做了兄弟没有所谓对与错 所有喜怒哀乐酸甜苦辣陪你过 做了你的兄弟我们陪你到最后 所有忠孝仁爱信义恩德陪你做 在我的的生命里面没有了兄弟就没三小意义 友情义气不可侵犯不是出卖的工具 很多人爱称兄道弟 喜欢说hey yo buddy 在你需要帮助的时候就会跟你说 I need some money You already know 他们把你当做耍猴戏 在你生龙活虎花天酒地围绕着你 很多人他们把你当做场瘟疫 在你需要加油鼓励时离开了你 兄弟命运一起 出了事情挺你 说多无益 不会放屁 我们约定 不是儿戏 随时随地 尽心尽力 真情真意 不靠演技 没有虚情假意 互相激励共同努力的叫兄弟 先生为兄后生为弟 出来混要有道义 Cash 生不带来死不带去不在意oh 关关难过关关过 生命的过客非常多 只有你的兄弟我们一路陪你到最后 做了兄弟以后没有对与错 所有喜怒哀乐酸甜苦辣陪你过 做了你的兄弟我们陪你到最后 所有忠孝仁爱信义恩德陪你做 Where my homies at yo Where my bros at wow We all got ur back and u already know And I Can Count The Money Wit The Homies Neva Turn Fake Neva Phony Wit The Homies Clown Ass ****** Get They Jaw Knocked Off I hahaha Stick Em' Wit The Raw South Paw Catch Me In The Ring And I'm Tapping You Out Be The Last Thing You Seen When The Lights Go Out Then Your Ears Get Red And Your Lungs Collasp Better Bring Dat Judo When We Hit The Mats I'm With The Homies Ok yeah, On and off the map, the wicked trap, I get it back, just like that, I'm making making moves that make me stacks and . be like that and you know it right. My pimp **** golden tight, ******* be like every night, looking for me hawking right. Yay I'm here, I'm in your sight. We be ballin outta control yeah you know, how we roll, we sip it slow, and make it fast, as we smash, we got to go. Aye yo, (add lib) And this for sho, you know we be doin it, and yah we know you (the fool) foolin it, homie need a be coolin it., my ******, we the truth and ****.This for real though, **** ask my main hoe, if I ain't the type to ride or die, getting high and still flow. Cause my homies got my back, Ain't no doubting that's a fact, cause we the realist, illest, of ****** in the game, we taking that. Ride Get High Never Die Gotta Fight For My Homies Ride Get High Never Die Gotta Fight For My Homies Ride Get High Never Die Gotta Fight For My Homies 做了兄弟以后没有对与错 所有喜怒哀乐酸甜苦辣陪你过 做了你的兄弟我们陪你到最后 所有忠孝仁爱信义恩德陪你做 Where my homies at yo Where my bros at wow We all got ur back and u already know 我们一起发誓说要出人头地 不管你是顶天立地还是一败涂地 你开着名车住着豪宅我会替你高兴 你失魂落魄有心无力我会惺惺相惜 因为我们是兄弟 你是我认定的homie 有人对你找碴 别怕我们一起反击 Let's fight back . don't make em cheat ya like a stupid kid . That's how we grow on the street . that's homeboyz gonna be.brothers hood forever . how u pay me back .doesn't matter . If ya gotta any problems.then lets soft it 2gether. Back to the beginning . just wanna make the life better. brothers from another mothers will definitely . help each other . 做了兄弟以后没有所谓对与错 所有喜怒哀乐酸甜苦辣陪你过 做了你的兄弟我们陪你到最后 所有忠孝仁爱信义恩德陪你做 Where my homies at yo Where my bros at wow We all got ur back and u already know Ride Get High Never Die Gotta Fight For My Homies For My Homies For My Homies