优美的人生(清唱) 作词 : Mr. No Problem 作曲 : 福剩 優美的人生 A Beautiful Life 請你們在心靈的花園裏 You are cordially invited to the garden of your spirit 培育你們夢想的花朵 Nurturing the flowers of your dreams 在大家的森林裡 In the forest of all 榮耀著你的生命之樹 Glorifying your tree of life 帶著微笑 Wear a smile 帶著純樸的心 Carry a simple heart 伸向高掛天際的繁星 Reaching out to the million stars above sky high 讓我們不再無聊煩心 We don't feel bored nor bothered anymore 如同回到孩童時光 Feels like returning to childhood 淘氣的微笑讓我們醉心 The naughty smile fascinates us 陽光穿過層層雲朵 The sunlight shining through layers of clouds 在河面上閃耀 Sparkling over the river 雨滴悠哉地躺在樹葉和小草上 Rain drops lying down leisurely on tree leaves and the grass 造物者透過美妙的傑作 Through wonderful masterpieces 帶著耐心與愛心向每一個人說話 The Creator speaks to everyone with patience and love 太陽的升起 Rising of the sun 月亮的光暈 Halo of the moonlight 輕柔的雲霧 Softness of the cloud and mist 還有把玩陽光 Caressing the sunlight 吸取藍天的溫柔露珠 Absorbing the gentle dew from the blue sky 造物者最高等的創造 The highest creation from the creator 祂將奔放的愛與與光明的靈感 It provides uninhibited love and bright inspiration 在每個人出生地當下就給了你 To you at the moment when everyone was born 與你的心一起共鳴著愛與仁慈 It resonates along with your hearts in love and kindness