☄ฺ☄ฺ☄ 作词 : Superalkam/A6R 作曲 : internet 后期处理:PureGANG-N.N.D verse1(pureGANG-Superalkam): 你想要好货but not free 慈善家很多but not me 不思进取的不知好歹的躺着等死的后期处理:PureGANG-N.N.D verse1(pureGANG-Superalkam): 你想要好货but not free 慈善家很多but not me 不思进取的不知好歹的躺着等死的别指望我会来帮你 哥们儿还有很多事情等着处理 你说你想给我当个助理 no!就算你是沙包我也懒得打你出气 0903(和田区号)我从这里爬出活死人墓 撒旦的信物in my bag shoes is Nike Open your eyes look my check look at mine dab you know this flow is fab we are profession rapper 你知道我们会是最后的Winner I'm real uygge not negger 每天每天每天赚着red pepper kill faker verse2 (Ninety-three-- A6R) A 6 R Hotanlik Young rich Uiggaz Bilmiseg tuniwal Nahshamga kuniwal Yashaymen yer astida manmu 666 sanmu 666 nahshammu 666 6666666 Ninety-three and pureGANG we the best on the china west suret bekla fast shuga yitishmikig tas idiyimiz pes emes basammaydu nes nahshimiz one after another bir biridin nadir x2