Felix is lit 作词 : FH 作曲 : Prodlem 混音:C-Low ad lib:博文肉 Hook: This is ing lit yah that was ing sick This is ing lit yah that was ing sick This is ing lit yah that was ing sick This is ing lit yah that was ing sick Everyday have to keep myself ing bake Never prey cuz everything around me is ing fake Back in days tried every way to be the ing lit Just like drake All the like me cuz I’m too lit Verse: 你也知道我 我也知道你 我还知道你在那里耍着小把戏yah 根本不搭理 我管你在哪里 对付你这样的身手根本没有压力 yah 看着你们反复的左右的忙活着自己的事 像极了丑陋的愚蠢的无耻的那些小人们得了志 整天都无所事事 为了金钱浑天度日 不知是无知还是固执 现在的人都挺有故事 在现实 的艰辛 又有几个人能看见 再正经的人心里面也会参杂着贪念 刚开始那天 茫然地发现 脑海里重播画面 没什么打算 不怎么打扮 心里还充满挂念 思路总是被打断 计划被打乱 有时认为心里一直有颗没爆的** 我不知怎么办 现在也没有答案 只想把这虚伪现实全部统统的砸烂 我的人生里从来都不懂什么叫做败下 让你们付出应有的代价 太差 人们嘴里说着怪话 像飞的太大 都说着坏话 却不见的把面具拽下 当局者迷旁观者清知道真相的在台下 装酷甩帅炫富那些土豪们都太傻 礼貌文静斯文那些 又都太假 看透这些无聊事情他们随时可能挨打 说着哎iv呀 伺候到他们脑袋开花 在你的木质小屋旁我摆上了白花花 无论什么技能只要我钻研就能顶呱呱 注意形象每次出门要记得把鞋擦擦 快乐自在每天哼着小曲啦啦啦啦啦 HOOK: This is ing lit yah that was ing sick This is ing lit yah that was ing sick This is ing lit yah that was ing sick This is ing lit yah that was ing sick Everyday have to keep myself ing bake Never prey cuz everything around me is ing fake Back in days tried every way to be the ing lit Just like drake All the like me cuz I’m too lit Verse: 有多少的话语现在早已经不能说 我在想尽办法把他们融入在每一首歌 背负职责 每个时刻 保持着内心的无比炙热 脾气倔强从来不知错 把所有假象都识破 有时也会质疑自己做的对不对 但是总有**过来问你**会不会 遇到这样的人我就问你累不累 每次都会低头叹气真是醉了又醉 Don’t ask me question cuz I don’t know sneeze that cheese to kill the pain I can’t cope spent twenty thoua on the necklace cause I want so I got line up right in front of my window I’m raping with my nature rhyme Right here report a ******* crime People trying to pull me back to the normal line Never mind Not worth a try cuz I will make you cry every night you might die Like commit suicide Hook: This is ing lit yah that was ing sick This is ing lit yah that was ing sick This is ing lit yah that was ing sick This is ing lit yah that was ing sick Everyday have to keep myself ing bake Never prey cuz everything around me is ing fake Back in days tried every way to be the ing lit Just like drake All the like me cuz I’m too lit