American Capitalist I'm a red blooded rough neck, Son of a *****! I'm a Goddamn American capitalist I've got a kill 'em all Give a ***t, license to hate I'm that one shot, one kill, bringer of pain! I don't wanna believe I'm empty And I don't want to admit I'm wrong I don't wanna regret who I've become I'm an American! Capitalist! American! Capitalist! YEAH! war is the answer like I told you before You're a coward with no power Just a stain on the floor If you're a man, be a man! stop running your lips! Round three, No mercy! It's the way of the fist! I don't wanna believe I'm empty And I don't want to admit I'm wrong I don't wanna regret who I've become I'm an American! Capitalist! American! Capitalist! I don't wanna believe I'm empty And I don't want to admit I'm wrong I don't wanna regret who I've become I'm an American! I don't wanna believe I'm empty And I don't want to admit I'm wrong I don't wanna regret who I've become I'm an American! Capitalist! American! Capitalist! American! =e n d=