Deliver Us To Evil in my grave down belowhell's fire starts to glowmy prayers have now been heardby my lord, my god. master luciferthere is no life or birthwhen the undead walk the earthunholy blaspheme and tormentare now set free.lead us into temptationa reign of terror will begindeliver us to evilwe promise death, world's endincubus in the skypentagram held highhell's filth hounds begin to barkthe bells begin to tonevirgin lies in bloodthe blood was once her ownthe redness and the horror of bloodswept acro55 the land I stoodlead us into temptationa weigh of terror will begindeliver us to evilwe promise death, world's endblack prince of hellin fire he reignsyour god above wrapped up in chainsthere is no lovewhen works collidedeliver us to evilwhen god has died I laugh while they crytheir fears build up insidein their confusion they try to runbut it's no use, my work is doneslow death is the pricefor living such wasted livestheir bodies they burn and bleeduntil they bow, my word they heedyou've led us into temptationour reign of terror has begundeliver us to evilprince of hellsatan's son