I wanna be a boy I Wanna Be A Boy (《酷狗上学记》电影插曲)-Disney Born on the wrong end of the leash I was a dreamer And a little schemer A simple mutt living the dog's life But the bell for school would make me drool Til I came up with this clever ploy Which is to say dressing like a boy Now he thinks he can take other pets a peg down Hey I'm a dog who's learned to keep his leg down I gotta be a boy He's so over just being rover I gotta be a boy This teacher's pet thinks that he's a boy He the bomb He's a regular whiz kid Yeah but Hey that's how it is kid Now that summer's here be a dog like any other Leonard haven't you always wanted a brother I wanna have a dog Hey I'm off the leash now He's eating Kiesh now I gotta be a boy A boy and nothing but a Nothing but a boy Don't you think you're stretching Quit you're Confetching He's gotta be a boy Spot you can fake it but you'll never be a boy But soft could what he says is true Is this really just a phase I'm going through I sure hope so Should I go back to serving man Eat wholesome dinners from a can Who needs french and scoring goals Come on let's bark and dig some holes What am I nuts Leonard wake up and smell the kibble I gotta be a boy Scott sit and stay now What did you say now He's gotta be a boy I've got to be It's not to be I long to be You're wrong to be It's great to be Good trait to be We'd hate to be Can't wait to be My mate to be Too late to be It's my fate to be A boy A dog A boy A dog A boy A dog A boy Dog Boy Dog Boy Dog Boy Dog Boy dog boy dog boy dog boy dog boy dog Boy dog boy dog boy dog Boy Boy