Castaway sitting upon the shore the waves crash and echo inside my head approaching out in the distance a ship of slaves to bury the dead this island is a pirson of futile desparation from hunger and calamity i slip into dreams years became mummified a relic of suicide years became mummified waiting for when they wash up in the tide under the moon out in the sea what could be out there waiting for me i _____ the current it pulls me under i feel the water filling my lungs years became mummified a relic of suicide years became mummified waiting for when they wash up in the tide when they wash up in the tide when they wash up in the tide when they wash up in the tide _____ below pluto floating in limbo are ______ father of _______ the fury in fire igniting(?) the words _____ his sea men in _______ visions of heavenly celestial beings in love(?) illusion crucified a witness below _________ lost on the _________ then waiting _______ beg for forgiveness from a supreme diety years became mummified a relic of suicide years became mummified waiting for when they wash up in the tide when they wash up in the tide when they wash up in the tide when they wash up in the tide i'm lost though hopeful i'll find a way i'm lost though hopeful i'll find a way i'm lost though hopeful i'll find a way i'm lost though hopeful i'll find a way