阿郎拉姆 6阿朗拉姆: 词曲:民间 6 Arangramu Lyrics and Music: Folk Song 采风整理:德吉措 Folk Song Collector: De Ji Cuò 编曲:梁旭, 李启文, 张镒麟 Composer: Liang Xu, Li Qiwen, Zhang Yilin 演唱:德吉措 Singer: De Ji Cuò 合音:德吉措, 梁旭 Chorus: De Ji Cuò, Liang Xu 歌曲大意: 阿朗拉姆,我在心灵深处对你呼唤 阿朗拉姆,我在心山谷间为你祈福 Lyrics: Arangramu, I call you in the depths of the soul Arangramu, I pray for you in the valley between the heart