Better Than You 7pm, we fall in love I play guitar and drink some wine I don't know why you took some drugs I don't know how I could react I've taken my car and drive so fast I remember your flat There was a smoky joint And an empty fridge A small bathroom with vanity and Pan of grease I took my car and driven fast And I dunno now where you are A single room where your guest can relax With your bed and a drink We had the same musical dance We kissed, we kissed We played secret A-B-C, it was a children's game Your clothing's on the floor Which made love to mine Your skin, your fragrance Your fingers in my mouth And finally we made love, love, love My two legs Your type of tears 1, 2, 3 Nothing could stop us I dunno why I took some drugs I don't know how I could react I've taken my car A-B-C, it was a children's game I've never made love like that I really dunno now where you are I really dunno where you are now And finally I wanna make love I've never seen so many stars Your lips were the beautiful ones Like cherries on ice, on ice We wanted some for rest We both some because We drank too much We went to kiss But finally...