A Cup Of Coffee 1,2,3,41,2,3,4 Woah, slow down Take it easy There's a long line behind you Lower your voice please I know it's my job to make it the way you want it Like a raspberry mocha Or a caffe macchiato Or a non-fat one-pump latte with two added shots of espresso Relax and put it in perspective I mean really It's just a ******* cup of coffee, lady Is it really gonna break your day If it's not exactly your way It's just a ******* cup of coffee, lady Get another one for free, but don't take it out on me It's just a ******* cup of coffee Hey, OK I get you're really pissed But you're overreacting Being ridiculous Said:"a little too much of this" Or "not quite enough of that" Is it too hot to sip it? Is it not non-fat? Did your house burn down? Did your dog die? Did you catch your husband in the act? Come on, it's not the end of the world I mean, really It's just a ******* cup of coffee, lady Is it really gonna break your day It's just a ******* cup of coffee, lady Get another one for free, but don't take it out on me It's just a ******* cup of coffee I wish I could punch you in the face But I can't I wish I could stand up on this counter and rant But I can't Instead I have to say "Have a nice day!"“ But by the way It's just a ******* cup of coffee, lady Is it really gonna break your day If it's not exactly your way It's just a ******* cup of coffee, lady Get another one for free, but don't take it out on me It's just a ******* cup of coffee Oh it's just a ******* cup of coffee.