点亮万家灯火 作词:陈添 作曲:陈添 编曲:孙沛 当这座城市 还没 开始发光 Before this city started to shine 我站在路口 看着 夕阳 I standed at the road watching the sunset 那束光打在 我的 脸上 The beam of light touch my face 把我的影子 拖得 又远又长 dragged my shadow far and long 听这座城市 夜晚 灯火辉煌 I heard the city was ablaze with lights at night 我来自远方 能否 欣赏 I came from afar and can I admire? 但听说每天 每一个 晚上 But in every day,every night 都需要有一个人 把它 点亮 It needs someone to light it up. 路边的小孩 琴声多婉转 by the roadside children played, the voice of violin is so tactful 你觉得冷吗 在这孤单的冬天 Do you feel cold? in this lonely winter 你微笑的那刻突然亮起 万家的灯火 When you smiled the city suddenly glowed 整座城市从东方到西方 闪闪发光 From east to west,the whole city sparking 原来这一切光芒 温暖都是因你点亮 So all the warmness and luster is because of you 你说其实艺术和爱 是城市不竭的能量 You said art and love is inexhaustible energy for the city 走在这城市 继续 慢慢寻找 Walking in this city,slowly looking for 那些能带来 光明的 天使 the angels who can bring light 诗歌和舞蹈 我不懂 欣赏 Poem and dance,I couldn’t appreciate 城市却因而变得 更加 明亮 City thus became brightness 路边的姑娘 涂抹着画板 Roadside girl painting the drawing board 你觉得冷吗 请为我们画上灯光 Do you feel cold,please painting lights for the city 你微笑的那刻突然亮起 万家的灯火 When you smiled the city suddenly glowed 整座城市从北方到南方 灯火辉煌 From East to West,the whole city sparking 原来这一切光芒 温暖都是因你点亮 So this all the warmness and luster is because of you 你说艺术和爱是这 座城市不竭的能量 You said art and love is inexhaustible energy for the city 你微笑的那刻突然亮起 万家的灯火 When you smiled the city suddenly glowed 整座城市从东方到西方 闪闪发光 From East to West,the whole city sparking 原来这一切光芒 温暖都是因你点亮 So this all the warmness and luster is because of you 你说其实艺术和爱 是城市不竭的能量 You said art and love is inexhaustible energy for the city 你说其实艺术和爱 是城市不竭的能量 You said art and love is inexhaustible energy for the city