LATE NIGHT WITH SANTOS 2 - Yeah, I think so. A long time ago, I was you, sorta, and I crashed on Earth. And became a butterfly or some biz, and I guess it was just some random, absurd thing. Just a joke I've been playing out for centuries. - Who's creating the joke? Are you? And if so, then are you my creator? (Santos) Say thank you! SAY THANK YOU! (THANK YOU!) (YOU!) (YOU!)*2 (THANK YOU!) (Peace.) ♪ 狂った街も 夜になれば 不思議なくにへと 変わりゆく 狂った街も 夜になれば 不思議なくにへと 変わりゆく 狂った街も 夜になれば 不思議なくにへと 変わりゆく 狂った街も 夜になれば 不思議なくにへと 変わりゆく - Fall. You are alone, child. (Fall.) (Fall.) (You are alone, child.) (Fall.) (Fall.) (You are alone, child.) - Look, Finn, you know I got your back "forevah," but right now, you're the only one who can help me. Come on, homey. - Homeys help homeys. (Homeys help homeys.)*8 - This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively. But if sweetness can win, and it can, then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend.. Peace. - I've been around forever and experienced so much impossible junk. I've embodied all that is good and evil. And now we're here. It's unprecedented.And I give you a choice. (Santos) (Santos) - Come with me to the end and the beginning or struggle here awhile like a beautiful autumn leaf. - What's that bell sound? - Cool, man. - This is your crisis. As you stand on the edge of freedom from love, Hate, Friendship, Isolation, Jealousy, Secrets, Violence, Video games, Ice-cream waffles, Sadness, Madness, Power, Honor, Loyalty, Saucy, Mothers, Fathers, Scoundrels. - How long are you gonna list stuff? - It's a long list. -I built Beemo to take care of my son. Yeah oh, oh, thank you. But I guess I never ended up dating any women. So, that's that. I sent Beemo off into the world alone, hoping... he could find a fam... a family of his own. And maybe even find somebody else's little boy to take care of. (Take care of.) - Beemo, say hello to your family. - Hello, family. - Hi, Beemo.