I Like Jersey Best Travelling down the Turnpike heading for the shore A thought just then occurred to me I never thought before I've been to a lot of places Seen pictures of the rest But of all the places I can think of I like Jersey best. Betting halls, shopping malls, good old Rutgers U, 47 shoes stores line Route 22 The Meadowlands, the root beer stands Main Street Hackensack; I may leave for a week or two But I'm always coming back. The Pinelands and the Vinelands Seaside Heights Margate You can have Miami I love the Garden State I've been to a lot of places Seen pictures of the rest But of all the places I can think of I like Jersey best! You remember the Paul Simon version, don’t you Oh~We have horses, Princeton courses, Gas stations we have scores Trenton, Hopewell, Lake Hopatcong, Mantoloking Shores; Some states have their rock stars, But Springsteen beats them all— And our beautiful arena has Brendan Byrne carved on the wall. Whoa-oh-oh~~ Lots of dineries, oil refineries, Our highways make you cough, But Spring Lake Heights and Belmar Are places to get off. Drinking spots and used car lots Make the place just grand, If you want to pay a visit, Newark Airport's where you land. (the Bob Dylan version) Oh, the Pinelands and the Vinelands Seaside Heights Ha-ho-hee You can sail in Miami Oh, I really sink to the Garden State I’m gonna mi~~~~~~ and I’m gonna~~~ But of all the places, I gotta say I like Jersey best. It’s another New Jersey sunrise…… Here’s the Beachboys… coming right out to you! Philly dogs like Chili dogs They eat in Cherry Hill Whooo~~ Woodbridge they make Haagen Dazs I can't get my fill Whoooo~~~ Foggy river ain't chopped liver Nor is Lavallette Whoooooo~~~~ There are no Jersey strangers, Just friends we haven't met! :D So is Secaucus! (the Mel Torme version) Let’s go to Jersey now, Everybody’s hanging out Coming out to Jersey with me. ~~~~New Jersey The Jersey Nets so went thataway, Piscataway no more, Whoooooo~~~~ had another winning season And next year they'll win more; Our Giants could go all the way If they could win just one, (Nah...) But the parties in the lots Before the games are really fun. (the Billie Holiday version) Ahhh~ Pinelands and the Vinelan~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seen~~~~~~ Alo~~~pla~~~~ Sorry, fellows…… ~~~ You know, eh, before we continue with the Lou Reed version I wanna do a couple of new versions for you You know, we now have a version of……it was recently covered by the Police with Sting 1, 2,3, 4 Travelling down the Turnpike heading for the shore A thought just then occurred to me I never thought before I’m going to the Jersey shore Ye-oh Yeah-oh Thank you If I remember… Michael Mc Donald in the Doobie Brothers… The Pinelands and the Vinelands Seaside Heights Margate You can have Miami I love the Garden State …And of course, the James Tylor version, which is something…… In my mind I’m going to New Jersey… ~~~~~~ You know, the Lou Reed version, is not to be confused with the Lou Rawls version, Which goes something like this… You’ll never find Another state like mine A state that cares for you Ohhhhhh——You’re gonna miss New Jersey— You’re gonna miss you gonna miss—— Mrs..Mrs. Jones… ——Oh sorry ~~~~~ Made it to the Lou Reed version: ~~~ Our famous Parkway is the darkway Home from Manasquan You'd think for all those quarters They'd turn the road lights on ~~~ Have no pity, Jersey City Once again will shine, With Holmdel, Cape May, Philipsburg I like our state just fine. Jersey girls go dudududududududududududu~ Everybody now!! Oh~ The Pinelands and the Vinelands Seaside Heights Margate You can have Miami I love the Garden State I've been to a lot of places I’ve seen snapshots of the rest But of all the places I can take chicks to, I like Jersey Best!! Ah~ New Jersey and you are perfect together!!