X-Posed:The Interview-Part 1 M: Hello AL: Hi M: How are ya? A: Good. How are you? M: I am feeling well. I’ve got a present for you, first of all. A: Yes! M: I don’t know how often you get back to Canada, so here is a gift for you from home A: Ah, ah, that’s awesome. M: You like it? A: Thank you so much! That’s just great! M: You’re welcome. Excellent. I’m glad you like it. A: I love this kind of stuff. M: It’s all about comfort, right? (As comfortable as possible) A: Oh, absolutely! Thank you! M: You’re welcome. You’re welcome. I remember the last time I talked to you years ago in New York at the second album. It’s been a long time. Tell me about the process that took you from there to here. A: Well, I took a year off after my tour. Got married. Hung out here in L.A. And um…the past six months I’ve been working on the record, and It’s, really really fun M: I know, we were listening to, like, to see how excited you were, and your face were. Tell me about this album. A: Well, it’s just like all really, and it’s really up-tempo, and it’s energetic, it’s young, And it’s like ****y, and playful, and *****y, and bratty, But it’s all liking good fun and it’s gonna be like, it gonna make the best live show M: Were you thinking that A: Yes. Absolutely. ‘cause like on my last tour, my songs, I started to realize it that my songs were kinda like slower, and the fun ones were like Ski8 Boi, He Wasn’t, And I find myself like playing these songs in piano Like, for God, I love this song But like, every night there are like, so dark I was like, oh, man, I know what I’m doing for my next record I just gonna make it like, really fun So, I did. M: In the first album where (on top in,) having all these commercial successes, your monster successes. How do you define success? In this one you have to sell a ton of records or is it just as simple as, you’re just loving the record for being successful A: it’s been a little bit both, No1.being that I love it, 100%, you know, And, something I am really proud of. I’m really excited to play for people. And then No.2, I mean, success is like, you know, doing well and going everywhere with your friends and stuff like that. As far as records sells go, records don’t really sell that much these days, so…um… Thank God I do, you know, I have a lot of people come out to my concerts, cause’ No matter what, always be on the play show, and do that whole tour thing M: Let’s rewind a bit and talk about what’s happened over the past years. Congratulations on getting married. A: Thanks! M: How is it? What kind of wife are you? A: Um…I mean, in an awesome way I am a really good cook. And…I am fun M: what’s your favorite things to cook? A: Like cooking vegetarian dishes. I can cook really good Italian. Everything, actually. M: what is the one thing you’ve learned about Deryck, since been married to him that you didn’t know before. A: Um…Is that kinda personal? M: I don’t know, maybe, tell me, tell me A: I don’t really talk about the personal stuff. M: Fair enough. Fair enough. But, let’s talk about mixing the personal with the professional. Was there…cause’ you worked with Deryck on this album. Were you nervous about sort of working together? A: No, I had two songs that I wrote with Evan, one of my old guitar players. He’s my best friend. And I just like, who should produce these. we should ask Deryck to do it, cause’ Deryck is producing sum 41 record right now And he’s really, talented, so…um…I gave two tacks to him. They are more like rocking tracks Like he’s like, giving that kind of stuff. And, it was just nice to have him on the record. We didn’t like, write together or anything, but it’s good to have him involved somewhere. M: You’ve been in the spot like, for a few years now. Are you comfortable being in that spot? Are you comfortable with people…um…well, the paparazzi in the city, this whole (being) different. Are you comfortable with that being part of your life now? A: I deal with it. And I deal with it, you know, Well, like, I don’t, I stay away from where I know they are going to be, I don’t get a lunch on the eye view, or stuff like that, so (n?) I would be so nervous when I went there M: Exactly, you only go there if you wanna get A: Yeah, it’s kind of like a bit of a game It’s like…Some people love the paparazzi, And like (s? with them), like play with them and um… They go to where they are. But like, with me… Darke and I…We don’t really like that so much. We are low-key. We like just kinda do our thing and stay away from that. In some circumstances, you can’t really control it. Like they just sneak up on you or they find you somehow. Not too bad in our case. It could be a lot worse. Paparazzi are like (s?) the earth