the last (space) man I'm just waiting for this all to end, So I can go back home again. A long time ago my planet burst into flames. My mother told me that it changes who our people blame. I wonder why there was never just a single name Living in the eternal fame The reason for we all became. It must been all these sparks mean she would say, Sipping on some diet space sour grape. I would play out in the space attach record looking at the stars And wondering to myself where all other people are I'm just waiting for this all to end, So I can go back home again. So until then I'm Subsisting on a dingy ship that's dripping from exchanges with persisting weird ninja Bits of gas inches of liquid which seemed to keep me alive And that's if I actually do exist Although if I did seem to have a wish it would be to ditch all the metal strips that seem to line the ship and trade it with anyone that has a better life. If anyone is actually alive,yeah, that would be nice. So how was it? (What?) I'm just waiting for this all to end, (That destroyed our home.) So I can go back home again.(Was it?) Was it Was it Was it a weird president possessing a presidential wig Or a short dictator who use his own dictaotorship To eliminate all those who refused full-time membership Or maybe it was even the competition of all the businesses Globalization anf decreasing of vast distances The melting of the ice caps the warming of the earth a series of virus mishaps or the exponential rates of birth Or maybe we just forgot how to love Or something like that