You Probably Ain't I was setting up for a gig In this little country bar This old boy in the corner watched me Tune up my guitar He said, What kinda music do you play hoss? I play some myself He said, I sure hope it's country These days it's hard for me to tell You can talk to me about tractors Cowboy boots and pickup trucks Ol' cane poles and dirt roads And spittin' Skoal in a Dixie cup You can tell me about your Grandpa And how he turned you onto Hank If you gotta tell me how country you are You probably ain't He said, Country is a way of life That's almost gone It's more than the clothes you wear Or how you sing a song It's about being honest And working hard Looking someone in the eye Being who you say you are You can talk to me about tractors Cowboy boots and pickup trucks Ol' cane poles and dirt roads And spittin' Skoal in a Dixie cup You can tell me all about your Grandpa And how he turned you onto Hank If you gotta tell me how country you are You probably ain't You can tell me all about your Grandpa And how he turned you onto Hank But if you gotta tell me how country you are You probably ain't If you gotta tell me how country you are You know what, you probably ain't hoss