Apollo 7 Excerpt 1 One minute, 10 seconds and counting. We are still Go at this time. Coming up on 1 minute; Mark; T minus 60 seconds and counting. We are Go for Apollo 7 at this time. T minus 50 seconds; the vehicle now pressurized and the vehicle is Go as is the spacecraft at this time. Coming up on the 40-second mark; T minus 40 seconds and counting. T minus 40. All reports look good from here in the blockhouse at this time. All aspects of the mission Go; T minus 30 seconds and counting. We'll get ignition of those 8 engines in the first stage at the 3-second mark in the countdown. Now at T minus 21 seconds and counting, we have completed our power transfer. The Saturn IB launch vehicle, which now weighs 1.3 million pounds is ready to go. Coming up on the 10-second mark. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, we have ignition... Commit... lift-off; we have lift-off! This is Launch Control; we have cleared the tower. Roger; tower clear. 12 seconds out and the roll program has commenced. 24 seconds out and Schirra reports the pitch program has commenced. 40 seconds, the roll program is complete. 55 seconds, the cabin is relieving. Schirra reported a little noise. One minute. One minute, 20 seconds into the flight; all systems Go on the ground and in the air. One minute, 40 seconds. Flight Director asked the Flight Dynamics Officer if he likes it, and he says, 'Yes sir; it looks good. Coming up on 2 minutes; Mark, 2 minutes. We're having a status check; Apollo 7 has been given a Go for staging.