Can’t Get Enough of You dala dala dala dala dala dala dala dala Open the window 打开窗门 There you are 看到你 Hiding behind the ray of light 在光束中若隐若现 Day after day we have come together 日复一日,我们走进对方的世界 It seems right 这是天作之合 Baby don't doubt it just hold my hand 亲爱的,不要迟疑,握住我的手。 Please come closer 请走近我 Don’t drift apart 不要离开 In time we’ll be there 我们在一起 I don’t wanna lose more time 不想徘徊 It is short and I can't 相聚如此短暂 Get enough of you this time 总是留下少许遗憾 dala dala dala dala dala dala dala dala Holding your sweater in my arms 手捧着你的衣衫 Just to pretend that I still can feel your warmth 仿佛你在我身边 You have been taking all my mind 在我的脑海里 All that I can think of is your face 满是你温和的面容 I can’t wait to have your shoulder to lie on 盼望着再次相见 Please come closer 请走近我 Don’t drift apart 不要离开 In time we’ll be there 我们在一起 I don’t wanna lose more time 不想徘徊 It is short and I can't 相聚如此短暂 Get enough of you this time 总是留下少许遗憾 dala dala dala dala dala dala dala dala dala dala dala dala dala dala dala dala Please come closer 请走近我 Don’t drift apart 不要离开 In time we’ll be there 我们在一起 I don’t wanna lose more time 不想徘徊 It is short and I can't 相聚如此短暂 Get enough of you this time 总是留下少许遗憾