Tsit个老岁仔 作词 : 粘錫麟 作曲 : 江育達 莫谓行为类狷狂,繫心环保卫家乡; 敢轻一死归尘土,身化花肥蕊更香。 Ooh, tse是啥mih人 为着环境辞教员 无嫌艰苦 无转弯 想着政府实在番 全力顾着好山好水ê台湾 人讲无彩了去十八pha 伊讲伊iáu-koh有一khoo lān-pha 哈哈 有guts就是有lān-pha 无欣羡人钱水 淹着跤 台湾ê少年家 勇气m̄是phe车kap冤家 甘愿食苦为环境来夯枷 台湾若beh好~就爱靠逐家 台湾ê少年家 勇气m̄是phe车kap冤家 甘愿食苦为环境来夯枷 台湾beh好!台湾beh好!就爱靠逐家 Tse就是tsit个老岁仔 真是人间ê怪跤 Ooh~~ 老岁仔 老岁仔~是怪跤 ==English Version== Say not that this is madness, for a heart is linked with its homelands Dare to die, and let dust settle to dust Leaving the body to enrich the soils from where pungent flowers bloom Hey, who’s this guy? Quitting a stable teaching job to save the environment Endurance is his name The thought of all that nonsense the government is putting us through, it's almost too much to bear Beautiful landscapes and resources of Taiwan need to be protected And people say, what a waste of the 18 percentcivil servant pension interest rate But he says at least he’s still got balls Haha, got the balls, and have the guts Not ever desiring the overflowing amount of money that others have To the youngsters of Taiwan: Courage is not defined by speeding and picking fights Courage is willing to endure hardship and fight for the environment We need everyone’s help to make Taiwan a better place To the youngsters of Taiwan: Courage is not defined by speeding and picking fights Courage is willing to endure hardship and fight for the environment Make Taiwan better! Make Taiwan better! We need everyone Oh right, is that the old guy? What a weirdo Oh…old guy, what a weirdo