春秋大头梦 巨人轰然倒下大地开始崩塌 When the Giant is falling down the earth begins to collapse 一声巨响人们开始恐慌 people are getting scared after hearing a loud crash 临别的残阳将血泪洒到了路上 The incomplete setting sun sprays its blood tears on the road 一场恶梦一场春梦 A nightmare A spring dream 一场秋梦一场春秋大头梦 An autumn dream An unrealistic dream 天黑了矮子们都站起来了 When the dark is rising all the dwarves stand up 星星在黑暗中密谋 In the darkness stars are plotting 如何除掉嫦娥玉兔还有吴刚蟾蜍 How to kill Chang'e Yutu Wugang and the toad 还有那个月亮他们讨厌它的光芒 and also the moon they hate its light 因为它折射出些许太阳的光芒 Because it reflects some light from the sun 一场恶梦一场春梦 A nightmare A spring dream 一场秋梦一场春秋大头梦 An autumn dream An unrealistic dream 牛鬼蛇神都跳了出来 Monsters and demons jump out from the darkness 连鸡犬们也跟着飞了起来 Then chicken and dogs fly to the sky 红楼登时变成了青楼 Red house turns into brothel at once 蛀虫和蛆又在黄金的粪便上翻拱起来 Moths and maggots creep off the golden dung 要饭的要饭买卖的买卖 The beggars beg and the sellers sell 行骗的行骗偷窃的偷窃 The cheaters cheat and the thieves steal 杀人的杀人抢劫的抢劫 The Murders murder and the robbers rob 一场恶梦一场春梦 A nightmare A spring dream 一场秋梦一场春秋大头梦 An autumn dream An unrealistic dream 寺庙对宫殿也不再依赖 The temple doesn't rely on the palace anymore 连出家人也跟着胡闹起来 Even monks begin to join in the farce 他们逃亡的逃亡留洋的留洋 Some are exiled some go to abroad 一场恶梦一场春梦 A nightmare A spring dream 一场秋梦一场春秋大头梦 An autumn dream An unrealistic dream 阿凡提的子孙后代也不再 Sons of Afanti never ride the donkey sing a song and 骑着毛驴哼着小曲过来朝拜 pilgrimage anymore 他们流亡的流亡流浪的流浪 They are exiled they are wandering 一场恶梦一场春梦 A nightmare A spring dream 一场秋梦一场春秋大头梦 An autumn dream An unrealistic dream 父母们开始绝望当他们穿过阴暗的广场 Parents go across the square in despair 他们不知道他们突然失踪的孩子究竟去了何方 They don't know where their lost children are 风带着最后一丝血腥的口吻告诉他们 The wind tells them with a fishy tone 你们的孩子早已被秘密埋葬在一个不知名的远方 Your children have been buried in a secret unknown place a long time ago 一场恶梦一场春梦 A nightmare A spring dream 一场秋梦一场春秋大头梦 An autumn dream An unrealistic dream 浪子们依然站在孤岛上冷眼观望 Flaneurs are still standing on the lonely island and watching in a cold way 他们不想再回到他们的故乡 they don't want to go back to their hometown any more 赌城里的人们依然逍遥法外 Gamblers still remain unpunished, 做着一些不劳而获的勾当 they do nothing but they can get everything 一场恶梦一场春梦 A nightmare A spring dream 一场秋梦一场春秋大头梦 An autumn dream An unrealistic dream 衰老的女王卸下了晚装从她头上摘下的明珠 The old queen takes off her evening dress and her shining pearl 依然散发着异乡些许傲慢的光芒傲视着群江 Which still arrogantly looking down to those rivers in distance 一场恶梦一场春梦 A nightmare A spring dream 一场秋梦一场春秋大头梦 An autumn dream An unrealistic dream 伪善浮肿的胖子们自我感觉良好的胖子们 Those hypocritic fatties those arrogant fatties, 他们想做强盗又不够强壮只是站在海边一味地叫嚷 They are not strong enough to be pirates so they just shout on the beach 以为这样就能空手套住白狼 They think they can reap without sowing 一场恶梦一场春梦 A nightmare A spring dream 一场秋梦一场春秋大头梦 An autumn dream An unrealistic dream