I Want So Much More I want so much more I want so much more I want so much more I'm uh get somethe pain and the strainand it takes to remainin a game that gets playedby the cheaters and fakesyou think there's a placeto get spit in the facego follow your heart'til it tears you apartget back to me after it breaks I want so much more I want so much more I want so much more I'm uh get someday after day I choke on displaysof abuse I get usedto the slaps to my facewhat a timewhat a placewhat a daywhat a war I want so much more I want so much more I want so much more I want so much moreit's better to give than receive what a lieyou'd rather get paid and laid 'til you dieit's better to give than receive what a lieeven Mother Theresa got a taste on the slideit's better to give than receive what a lieyou'd rather sleep late, never work and get highit's better to give than receive what a lie I betcha Jesus Christ had that wandering eyehe wanted so much more I want so much more I want so much more I'm uh get itwatch me get itlife is greedit's not freelust is truth I've got proofwasted and spentpaying the rentwander the streetsjust civilized meatthe model milemakes my hostile smilewith blood on my teethand food for a week I want so much more I want so much more I want so much more I'm uh get some I hear all the talk about soul and the spirit I've heard it so much that I no longer hea