Last Night On Earth On a high cliff Above the sound A table was set Beneath the firmament shroud A rare invitation Blew in from the east On an island once sacred To both native and beast We sucked and we savored All that we tasted Wine flowing like water Not a drop of it wasted The evening unfolded Like a great fan I found myself drifting Down to the sand What came over me Over me over me Like some alien force That took hold of me I wasn’t myself But i started dancing Lost in this song Under a trance and I felt myself falling under a spell I knew very well I might never return To the land of the living And then i was giving myself To the light And then i took flight I shot up like a kite It was my last night on earth My last night on earth If you find this bottle Bobbing its head Smash it to pieces Be sure that it’s read I have departed Say my goodbyes I loved you more than You ever realized