Amer Stocking In Gueda Springs, Kansas, a stone's throw from Portland A young Amer Stocking, kneels down to pray He prays for his young wife, his son and his daughter And prays for the winter to hurry and fade On an old Country Road, the Lord spoke to Amer Become my preacher an' I'll see your needs And every congregation in Eastern Kansas Has heard Amer's message and Mrs. Stocking sing To every Country Chapel, they would drive to Sundays Preaching the Gospel, some twice a day His wife played piano and sounding like angels Brought tears of salutation to old Kansas ways On an old Country Road, the Lord spoke to Amer Become my preacher an' I'll see your needs And every congregation in Eastern Kansas Has heard Amer's message and Mrs. Stocking sing 80 years a minister and miracles a million Saving lost sinners, helping us old ones Now at evenings he drifts off, into pleasant slumber Sleeping in his Rocking Chair Resting in the Lord On an old Country Road, the Lord spoke to Amer Become my preacher an' I'll see your needs And every congregation in Eastern Kansas Has heard Amer's message and Mrs. Stocking sing On an old Country Road, the Lord spoke to Amer Become my preacher an' I'll see your needs And every congregation in Eastern Kansas Has heard Amer's message and Mrs. Stocking sing And every congregation in Eastern Kansas Has heard Amer's message and Mrs. Stocking sing