I Think I Farted We're at a part-y i'm feeling fart-y so i say i need to make a phone call i look around and without a sound i quietly fart on the wall i think i'm in the clear until you appear there's no where for me to hide you say what's that smell it stinks like hell As if a small animal just died.... Rotten gas oooh ooh oh ooooh oh Smells like ass oooh ooh ohoooh I think I farted (on a wall) I think I farted (on a wall) you're fast asleep when i feel one creep i try to keep it inside the bed like a good wine that ages with time it's rotten and it's startin' to spread you wake up in fear that a fire is near from the smell of my own dutch oven with no one else to frame i take the blame you can't believe it's been me the whole time Rotten gas oooh ooh oh ooooh oh I think I farted (in the bed) I think I farted (in the bed) On the couch on the wall on the table on the floor beware of my stench it's rotten to the core i'm a lady on the street but i'll smoke up the bed just one quick whiff and you'll wind up dead NO MATTER HOW HARD I PRAY MY GAS WON'T GO AWAY I KNOW THAT IT'S NOT OKAY BUT PLEASE PLEASE DON'T SAY GOODBYE I KNOW THAT MOST GIRLS TRY / TO KEEP THEIR FLATULANCE INSIDE/ BUT I CAN'T LIE I NEED A MAN WHO KNOWS I PASS/ A LOT OF GASS/ THAT SMELLS LIKE ASS/ AND IT'S HERE TO LAST FOR INFINITY AND BEYOND/ Rotten gas oooh ooh oh ooooh oh Smells like ass oooh ooh ohhoooh I think I farted I think I farted