Find It Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Come rescue lunatic skies All red destruction Sun rising more directly on my head I've got to find the direction to follow Something that's mine, not something i borrowed Each day i wait, heaven still wait on me Find itI've got to find it Get me behind it Someplace for me, yeah! Find it!Find it! Find it!Fiiiind it in meeeee, mm-mm-mm! I need the leatch from watching you You dont satisfy me enough today Time is still near when i will be gone away Where will you follow, right by the crimson Dressed in a long black wedding-gown I've got to find my action by my own Find itI've got to find it Get me behind it Someplace for me, yeah Find it!Find it! Find it!Fiiiind it in me, mm-mm-mm! Open my eyes to lunatic skies All red destruction Sunrising morning empty up my head Find itI got to find it Get me behind it Someplace for me, yeah Find it!Find it! Find it!Fiiiind it in me, mm-mm-mm! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! Find itI got to find it Get me behind it Someplace for me, yeah Find it!Find it! Find it!Fiiiind it in me, oo-oo-oooh!