女儿成长 作词 : 彝族民歌 作曲 : 彝族民歌 妈妈养女苦 女儿生下第三天 操办洗头礼 打绵羊操办席 羊儿矫健原野行 祝女儿步履轻盈欢快长 九十九位姨妈送祝米 祝女儿欢快长 爸爸剃胎发 祝女欢快长 亲族翁媪来朝贺 高议女儿名 爷爷取大名 奶奶取乳名 女儿金姑娘 金子般名字  妈妈的女儿哟 成长一岁两岁时 仰睡怕尘埃落入眼 俯睡怕堵了嘴 妈妈抱在怀 端详妈容颜 白乳伴饭喂 睡觉羊皮当睡伴 爬行门槛当爬伴 站立房柱当站伴 行走妈妈裙角当行伴 03. Daughter’s Growth Mother has made painstaking efforts to raise daughter. On the third day after daughter was born, Head Washing Ceremony was given. Feast was given by killing sheep. Sheep strolls across the wild grassland, And I hope my daughter can walk and grow up fast. Ninety-nine aunts sent their rice for best wishes That my daughter could grow up happily. Father shaved the baby’s hair, And wished his daughter could grow up merrily. All relative arrived to congratulate us.              They discussed to name my daughter. Grandfather gave the formal name, While the grandmother gave the pet name. Daughter was named Golden Daughter, A gold-like name. Oh, My dear daughter, When you reached an age of one or two years, You were afraid of dirt falling into your eyes while you slept on your back. And you worried about being suffocated while having a prone sleep. I held you in my arms, And you examined my face. I fed you with milk and rice, And you considered sleeping Sheep’s skin as your playmate. You regarded threshold as your companion, Pillars as your peers, And Mother’s skirt corner as escort. 彝文:《 ꅩꌺꒆꆹꎴ》 ꀉꂿꅩꑧꎭꀋꆺ ꑳ ꅩꌺꒆꇁꌕꑍꆏꀔꆺ ꀇꀆꑴꀆ ꅩꌺꀑꋌꊈꇈꇬꀒ ꀇꑴ ꒀꅰꐂꃨꉽꀓꆺ ꀆꀇꀆ ꒀꅰꐂꃨꅒꁇꍝꀒ ꀇꑴ ꅩꌺꏾꌸꀕꌶꃄꒆꀒꆺ ꃀꑌꈬꊰꈬꑻꇁ ꀋꆺꑴ ꈬꊰꈬꑻꎖꄷ ꑿꀐ ꀆꑴꀆ ꅩꌺꎔꃄꒆꄸꑿꀒ ꀃꑴ ꆺꑳꀉꄉꅩꌺꀑꋋꐆꀐꆺ ꀆꑴꀆ ꅩꌺꎔꃄꒆꄸ ꑿꀒ ꀃꑴ ꀒꋏꀿꃀꅪꌺꂓꋆꇁꀉꆺ ꀊꂵꂓꋆꁭꀐꆺ ꀉꁌꂓꋅꁮ ꀑꆺ ꀆꑴ ꅩꌺꏁꃨꃀꀐꆺ ꀆꑴ ꏁꃨꂒꊾꅈ ꀓꆺ ꀉꂿꅩꌺꅩ ꆺꑲꀂ ꒆꇁꋍꈓꑍꈓꇫꀐꆸ ꀆꑴꀆ ꀜꌊꀁꅩꀗꍝꁮꏦꀕꀒꀐꆺ ꀇꑴꀆ ꀨꂿꀁꅪꈌꃄꇁꏥꀕꀐꆺ ꀉꂿꄅꂣꊭꀐꆺꑳ ꀉꂿꑊꐝꉫꀒ ꀆꑴꀆ ꑋꄲꋚꂷꇜꄢꑨꀐꆺ ꀇꑴ ꍶꌄꒀꌅꀀꐉꃄꆺ ꀆꑴꀆ ꇤꈓꇫꇈꑋꐉꃅꀒ ꀇꑴꑳ ꈩꄳꅤꐋꃅꀐꆺ ꀆꑳꀆ ꇤꌫꉇꌫꉆꐉꃅꆺ ꀇꑴ ꀉꂿꂂꃆꌠꐉꃄꀒꆺꑳ