I'm all yours 始まりは突然に 不意に訪れたangel 脈打ち出す鼓動が 音を立てる 酸いも甘いも yes I know それでも恋焦がれる そんな気にさせるのは only you only you 答えはすでに in my heart 確かめるように I will call your name いつまでも 君に溺れていたい so lets get it on for more I'm all yours 惹かれ合うdestiny It's part of love that I know 甘くて切ない oh baby bring it on and on for more I want to know bring it on and on for more I want to know 初恋にも似た想い 今になって you remind me 君の仕草一つで 胸が踊る 答えはすでに in your heart だから見逃さないsign 本能の 赴くまま感じて so lets get it on for more I'm all yours 君だけに魅せる It's part of love that I know 未知なそのecstasy oh baby bring it on and on for more I want to know bring it on and on for more I want to know そっと君を抱き寄せて 静かに愛を囁く ときめく you're my love Once again,I will touch you gently and oh I'm all yours 惹かれ合うdestiny It's part of love that I know 甘くて切ない oh baby bring it on and on for more I want to know bring it on and on for more I want to know