Dead Night Blind Deep sorrow to dwell in the hand holds on you. Being wandering and bleeding in wind to blow. You are intoxicated with the endless insane dance. She is showing fangs for you after out of asleep. Be possesed by morbid fear. Dust to dust. 深い霧に包まれて She is a mystic night bird 絶望の歌声 She is a mystic night bird 狂気まとつた翼 She is a mystic night bird shinging a desolate song! Blind night! Dead night! Sorrow night! 死の翼をまとつた堕天使  誰まその姿を見た者はいない 生贄達がさもよう舞台で  虚空に舞う美しま惨劇 鳴り響く復讐の不協和音  突き刺さる孤高の旋律 切なさだけが残る  止まない雨のように Be possesed by morbid fear. Dust to dust. 幻覚に魅せられて She is a mystic night bird 闇夜にく歌声 She is a mystic night bird 崇め旋律の恐怖 She is a mystic night bird shinging a desolate song! Blind night! Dead night! Sorrow night! Be possesed by morbid fear. Dust to dust. 深い闇に閉ざされて She is a mystic night bird 絶望の歌声 She is a mystic night bird 狂気まとつた翼 She is a mystic night bird 闇夜にく歌声 She is a mystic night bird 崇め旋律の恐怖 She is a mystic night bird shinging a desolate song! Blind night! Dead night! Sorrow night! Night bird shinging a desolate song! Blind night! Dead night! Sorrow night! Blind night bird!!