LITTLE BUSTERS  With the kids sing out the future Maybe, kids don't need the masters Just waiting for the little Busters With the kids sing out the future Maybe, kids don't need the masters Just waiting for the little Busters 色あせないキッドナップミュージック 手と手が知っている 同じドアをノックしたい この声が闻こえたら 飞び出して With the kids sing out the future Maybe, kids don't need the masters Just waiting for the little Busters With the kids sing out the future Maybe, kids don't need the masters Just waiting for the little Busters With the kids sing out the future Maybe, kids don't need the masters Just waiting for the little Busters はずれやすいティーンエイジ・ギア 转がる日々も 空と海と大地はただ あるがまま いつまでも逃げないぜ With the kids sing out the future Maybe, kids don't need the masters Just waiting for the little Busters With the kids sing out the future Maybe, kids don't need the masters With the kids sing out the future Maybe, kids don't need the masters With the kids sing out the future Maybe, kids don't need the masters Just waiting for the little Busters