Moby Dick other captain Ahab another bloody deed another hero blinded by his wrath and greed another pequod wrecked and buried in the deep another whale hunted with blood stained the sea I spit my last breath for hate's sake I spit my last breath for the lives I take I spit my last breath for the sins I've made and I'll never regret never regret other captain Ahab another bloody deed another hero blinded by his wrath and greed another pequod wrecked and buried in the deep another whale hunted with blood stained the sea I spit my last breath I spit my last breath for hate's sake I spit my last breath for the lives I take I spit my last breath for the sins I've made and I'll never regret never regret I spit my last breath for hate's sake I spit my last breath for the lives I take I spit my last breath for the sins I've made and I'll never regret never regret never regret never regret never regret