Border of my life Border of my life (アルティメットトゥルース/幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜~Border of Life)-709sec. Written by :Blue E/709sec. Why am I here what must I do No I cannot remember anything now Long time ago I was lost in the eternal labyrinth The Cherry Tree that never be filled with the blossoms Might know my raison d'etre I wanna ask it who I am Inochi no aufheben is the hardest question for me Kokoro no synthese is what I've been searching for so long Please tell me please tell me border of my life No easy no easy to know who I am Please gimme please gimme order for my life I just only wanna know who I am now I am alone I have no friend So I have just wanted to find my sweet friend Is it no way I don't know I have just only wanted a friend Under the tree there is the girl to be my friend Who tell me my raison d'etre I wanna see the girl just now Inochi no aufheben is the hardest question for me Kokoro no synthese is what I've been searching for so long Please tell me please tell me border of my life No easy no easy to know who I am Please gimme please gimme order for my life Ever Spring can gimme order for my life Hakanage ayashige the cherry blossom has talked to me Kanashige setunage the real fairytale Yukashige monouge on the border of my life now Kanashige setunage the real of my life Please tell me please tell me border of my life No easy no easy to know who I am Please gimme please gimme order for my life I just only wanna know who I am now The Cherry Tree knows the truth border of my life