Reign I heard in midnight someone screamed into the dark  Gonna choose some one to backstab by a spin of the wheel  I know that, this era is gonna make no sense  BANG! BANG! Went the gun but you know the show must go on! No time to lose So I’ll find my path No time to lose So I’ll find my path  Before anyone else... I am rolling in piles and piles of bills  Listen up, I don’t give a fxxk boy what you say  I know we’re so clumsy with way of life  BANG! BANG! went the gun but you know the show must go on! No time to lose So I’ll find my path No time to lose So I’ll find my path I would fight for my belief  I would temper your grief  I would defend my precious  I would reach to the top I would fight for my belief  I would temper your grief  I would defend my precious  I would reach to the top No time to lose So I’ll find my path No time to lose So I’ll find my path No time to lose So I’ll find my path I would fight for my belief  I would temper your grief  I would defend my precious  I would reach to the top I would fight for my belief  I would temper your grief  I would reach to the top  I’d go to the promised place