The 3rd Impact Yeah All the way live from the Spectrum City It's the 3rd mediarite-flo album Let me start with a question, yeah When, was the last time you set foot on another planet 三十万人の行列 to catch a glimpse, 今日のSTARは誰? ??? FICTION, 我々 Right on the money, とてもHYPNOTIC, keep you jumpin' like ??? Yeah, ever since the first party Fresh like if you got the hunnies Give in you watch you want somebody のように bounce-bounce to the sound-sound Ladies get animated when the move is 簡単 The spot, is getting hotter 七十八rpm よりも早く Galaxy ??? go! coz you and I are so magnetic 贈る一言 for your mind and it's ASTROMANTIC! [Japanese Narration] (English Narration) : ASTROMANTIC (ASTROMANTIC) 宇宙最大級のゴージャスでアストロ??なパーティへようこそ (Welcome to the party, the most gorgeous and astro??? party of the universe) defで****なemcee VERBALと (Johnny Astro, better known as VERBAL,) ファンキーでフレッシュなDJ ☆TAKAHASHI TAKUがお贈りする (and Startak, better known as ☆Taku Takahashi, introduce to you) 銀河一のロマンティックな一時をお楽しみ下さい (the most romantic night of the galaxy) DJ ☆Taku, drop beat