Young & Restless Young and restless It's getting old but we run this town Running reckless Move along don't sit down Maybe love is a remedy calling Maybe love's trying to tell us something (ooohhhhhhhhaaaahhhh) Maybe love... Maybe love... Maybe love got us running for nothing... Running for nothing... Running for nothing... I DONT CARE WHAT THEY SAY MY LIFE GOES ON I DONT CARE WHAT THEY SAY I DONT SEE NOTHING WRONG THEY SAY WE WASTING OUR TIME BUT THIS MY TIME THEY SAY WE WASTING OUR LIVES BUT THIS MY LIFE KNOW THAT WE RUNNING RUNNING FOR SOMETHING BUT WHAT ARE WE RUNNING FOR REMIND ME AGAIN WE RUNNING AND RUNNING YEAH RUNNING **** BUT WHAT ARE WE RUNNING FOR WHAT ARE WE RUNNING FOR DODGING THEM DAILY DODGING THEM ROUNDS ROUNDS OF ******** BETTER DUCK DOWN ITS GOTTEN ME WORN OUT BUT I CANT STOP NOW IT GOTTEN ME TORN UP GUESS THIS HOW MY LIFE GOES DOWN Young and restless It's getting old but we run this town Running reckless Move along don't sit down Maybe love is a remedy calling Maybe love's trying to tell us something (ooohhhhhhhhaaaahhhh) Maybe love... Maybe love... Maybe love got us running for nothing... Running for nothing... Maybe love is a remedy calling Maybe love's trying to tell us something (ooohhhhhhhhaaaahhhh) Maybe love... Maybe love... Maybe love got us running for nothing... Maybe love is a remedy calling Maybe love's trying to tell us something (ooohhhhhhhhaaaahhhh) Maybe love... Maybe love... Maybe love got us running for nothing...