Porcelain Princess’ Palace In another persons’ shoes, again she has to walk For a million miles she runs, she never stops She's a soldier during the day But her armour never scarred from the knives She's soft yet never fragile Drained but she paints on a smile day after day. But she's just a child And I'm hoping I could just Take her away Far far away I'll keep her safe In the porcelain princess’ palace In an ice cream space ship of our dreams We'll fly to the sky Alongside The milky way In the porcelain princess’ palace She's just a child And I'm hoping I could just take her away Far away From this place To the porcelain princess’ palace I'll be here tonight close your eyes We'll fly to the sky Alongside The milky way The porcelain princess’ palace In a bed of cotton clouds The stars sing you to sleep We gaze up at the sky Forever you and me You and me