THE HEROES OF EXTINCTION 決まりきった展開でending song It is not a stiff stone but building block It's standing with its toe 「怖がらないで」 響かない無意味な言葉を並べる Just I no matter how hard that I try to be the hero as I watched on a TV I was just a young And I can never reach my hands for you though I hear you call my name and you always next to me. It's short story Not on TV No routine end So free write! I think of inside my head I think of Just I no matter how hard that I try to be the hero as I watched on a TV I was just a young And I can never reach my hands for you though I hear you call my name and you always next to me. ... ... somebody groan"Nobody help me" Somebody cry out"I'm here!" 目をつぶって 耳ふさいで 閉ざしていたけどまだ 響いてるよ Just I no matter how hard that I try to be the hero as I watched on a TV I was just a young And I can never reach my hands for you though I hear you call my name and you always next to me. Just I Just I Just I still remember you call my name