call your name in the bad rain 俯いた眼 想いはin the rain 辺りは见えずit's like you're in the jail 同じ言叶 书き惯れた your words 缀りながら ため息 こぼれた声 'damned' there's nothing all i want 口癖のように 强がりだってことくらい you know 手にした希望 必要ないと 眼をそらし続けてる do not make it any more 闻こえる? everyone calls your name 世界に响く in the bad rain こぼれたひと雫 どこまでも澄んだblue you change it do what you gotta do never stop everyone calls your name do it now you can do in your way you're never alone when you'll stand again even if it will be in the bad rain 见上げた空 暗い色 so what? 绮丽な色に change it in your heart 君が望む ままに仕上げる 世界は自由にできるから don't be afraid 言い訳のlife いつの时以来? 声が作る言叶 'it's not my style' それでいいと 想い饮み込み 自分にいいきかせる do not make it any more 手にして everyone calls your name 望んだ未来 in the bad rain 壊して进んでく 不自由を生んだルール you change it do what you gotta do never stop everyone calls your name do it now you can do in your way you're never alone when you'll stand again even if it will be in the bad rain open up your eyes just now その眼に映るものは 自由にできる世界 so you do not cry any more やがて雨は止むから… can you hear?everyone calls your name all over the world in the bad rain こぼれたひと雫 どこまでも澄んだ you change it do what you gotta do never stop everyone calls your name do it now you can do in your way you're never alone when you'll stand again even if it will be in the bad rain