Password 目の前にいるあなたへたった一つの贈り物 どんなにさびしい夜でも I sing for you 愛してる 伝えようと今 鼓動は走り出す あなたのもとへ The sun will rise it's all for you The moon will shine it's all for you I'll be there to show you how much my love is true I love you .... 新しい風が吹いて 心の中に heaven will come こんなに私の涙は溢れて ありがとう 届けようと今 言葉をつないでく password The sun will rise it's all for you The moon will shine it's all for you I'll be there to show you how much my love is true I love you .... 約束は笑顔を見せて 涙の日にさよならを 永遠に離れないから あなたに愛を送ろう The sun will rise it's all for you The moon will shine it's all for you The sun will rise it's all for you The moon will shine it's all for you The sun will rise it's all for you The moon will shine it's all for you I'll be there to show you how much my love is true I love you .... The sun will rise it's all for you The moon will shine it's all for you The sun will rise it's all for you The moon will shine it's all for you