BEAUTIFUL WORLD 作词 : lasah 作曲 : きくお Listen: my poor children It’s a gunshot ringing 1944 Sleep tight in the waters It’s a cradle swinging 1922 “I’ve always been and will always be” That’s how this duty-dance with death goes Listen: my dear children It’s a slaughterhouse in 1945 Rest in peace my fathers It’s a graveyard dig in 1986 “I’ve always gone and will always go” This is an endless crusade Dress me, shoot me Waiting for my turn in death-row Eat me, beat me In any way that you would like Step, slide, rest Catch your breath A hundred-six Waltzes of death We’re all just poor pilgrims of time Caught and displayed in this beautiful world We’re all just poor pilgrims of time Caught and displayed in this beautiful world God, I’ve accepted the things I can’t change God, I’ve earned courage to change things I can God, I’ve earned wisdom to know differences God, what’s the use if there’s nothing to change Listen: my poor children There’s a bride and groom in 1948 Until death do us part Infidelity runs 1949 “I’ve always sure that there’s nothing sure” That’s how this fatalism works here Listen: my dear children There’s an airplane crashing 1968 So it goes the bird said Merry christmas baby, 1921 “I’ve seen this scene and will always see” This is an old film reversed Crush me, slash me Execution is your liking Hang me, bang me Is there a way that you would like? Step, slide, rest Waste your breath A hundred-six Waltzes of death We’re all just dear servants of time Miserably obeying this beautiful world We’re all just dear servants of time Miserably obeying this beautiful world Step, slide, rest Catch your breath A hundred-six Waltzes of death Step, slide, rest Waste your breath A hundred-six Waltzes of death Death?